Monday, 28 March 2011

special B mesons found at LHCb


Interesting news from the LHCb detector today. are carrying a story about group of scientists led by Syracuse University physicist, Sheldon Stone, who have apparently become the first to observe the decays of a rare particle - a special type of B meson - thought to be present right after the Big Bang. write:
"B mesons are a rare and special subgroup of mesons composed of a quark and anti-quark. While B mesons were common after the Big Bang, they are not believed to occur in nature today and can only be created and observed under experimental conditions in the LHC or other high-energy colliders.

Sheldon Stone comments: "We know when the universe formed from the Big Bang, it had just as much matter as antimatter. But we live in a world predominantly made of matter, therefore, there had to be differences in the decaying of both matter and antimatter in order to end up with a surplus of matter."

Because these particles don't play by the same rules of physics as most other matter, scientists believe B mesons may have played an important role in the rise of matter over antimatter. The particles may also provide clues about the nature of the forces that led to this lack of symmetry in the universe.

Sheldon Stone, notes on Physorg, "we want to figure out the nature of the forces that influence the decay of these particles. These forces exist, but we just don't know what they are. It could help explain why antimatter decays differently than matter."


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